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Search result: Helmut Weise

2 results found

Modell eines Galileo-Satelliten
Modell eines Galileo-Satelliten
Models of Machines, Vehicles and Devices
  1. Instrumentensammlung des Geodätischen Instituts (Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover)
Modell eines GPS-Satelliten vom Typ Block IIR  von Lockheed Martin
Modell eines GPS-Satelliten vom Typ Block IIR von Lockheed Martin
Models of Machines, Vehicles and Devices
  1. Instrumentensammlung des Geodätischen Instituts (Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover)

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Type of Model
Models of Machines, Vehicles and Devices (2)
Individual Model/Group/Series
Single Model (2)

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Geodesy (2)
Information Technology (2)
Traffic Engineering (1)
Surveying (2)
Switching Technology (1)
Intended Use

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Manufacture Technique
Handcraft (2)
Single/Multiple Manufacture

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Immobile (1)

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